From Daisy with Love – Free on Amazon for 5 Days


My historical romance novella is now free for the next five days on Amazon. From Daisy with Love is a short read of approximately 25 000 words. It is an old-fashioned love story set a hundred years ago in Africa, during the First World War.

If you haven’t already read it, now is a good time because it’ll cost you nothing more than a minute while it downloads. If you don’t have a Kindle, you can download a free Kindle app to your computer from the same page before you download the book.

Here’s what this novella is all about:

Life is frustrating for eighteen year old Daisy, living with her sister Nellie in Durban in 1915 while their respective men are away fighting in the Great War. As a volunteer letter-writer at the local hospital, Daisy whiles away her hours of boredom by helping Peter, a young British soldier, to pick up the threads of his life after a serious injury.

When her sister’s life falls apart and the letters from her own beloved Gilbert cease to arrive, Daisy must find the strength to pull her family through their loss and persevere through the war, so that she too can live a full life and leave a legacy to her descendants.

As I’ve said with my previous novels that were free over the last two months, if you enjoy the read, please tell all your friends, and if you don’t enjoy it, please drop me a line via my contact form and let me know what you didn’t like. It all goes towards improving the next book.

You can download From Daisy with Love here from, or here from the Amazon store that serves the country in which you live. It’s free right now, and will remain so until Friday night – 27th May – at midnight if you’re on the Pacific coast of the USA. If you are further east, you will have until later on Saturday – 7 am in England, 8 am in South Africa and around 4 pm in Australia. If you are anywhere else in the world, you can check your time zone against my new favourite tool, World Time Buddy.

Happy reading!

9 thoughts on “From Daisy with Love – Free on Amazon for 5 Days

  1. Ok, downloading a couple books to my Cloudreader has convinced me reading this way is not the best for me. I guess I’m truly a paper and ink kind of gal! I keep forgetting they’re on my tablet and Chromebook! I require an adjustment. Gotta read I’m before I can review ’em! rolls eyes…


    • Thanks for your comment, Calen. I’m not sure how I’d feel about reading on a tablet or Chromebook. I have one or two books stored on my laptop and it’s jolly cumbersome to try and read them there!

      I’ve always loved reading on my Kindle, though. I’ve had it for about six years, but unfortunately it has intermittent problems with the page turning buttons, so I’ve started reading actual books again, from the library. I love belonging to my local library where I’m spoiled for choice – so many books, so little time! I bring home far too many and can’t read them all before the due date. Trouble is, I can’t bear to leave them on the shelf in case they’re not there when I go back!

      There are only two problems I have with reading good old paper and ink books, and both are because my reading time is usually last thing at night, in bed. First problem – once I take off my spectacles and snuggle down on my side, the font shrinks and it’s very hard to read pale grey squiggles. Second problem – when I wake up in the night my book is closed and the bookmark is on the night stand and I have no idea what page I was on. The beauty of the Kindle is that the font size is whatever size I make it (except that I have to turn the pages more often, hence the frustration when the page turner buttons don’t work) and it goes to sleep on whatever page I last used.

      If you did download “Daisy” I hope you manage to read it okay and enjoy it despite the frustrations. At least it’s a short read!


  2. Thanks, Campari Girl.

    That’s the last freebie of the three books that are up on Amazon for the moment. The new one will be live on Amazon about mid-June (still tweaking and putting together beginning and end bits), but unfortunately it will probably not be free for a while so please take as long as you want to read the others!

    I’m still trying to figure out what works best for marketing these things, and one of the options is just to keep on writing and getting as many out there as possible. So that’s what I intend to concentrate on in the future, until the next “miracle-fix” comes along…


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